Sunday, February 28, 2010

I disgust myself.

It's midterm week.
I have been working on three paintings until the wee hours of the morning.
I am on my third viewing of Sense and Sensibility, I do declare.
And i am obviously letting myself go when it comes to tidiness.

Thursday, February 25, 2010


It was zoo week in drawing class.
So fun!
The zoo was practically empty 
and the animals were very lively
so I got up close and personal with a lot of big cats.
And it was kind of scary.
But also awesome.
Those kitties are huge.

In other news...Ryan's parents are in town from Ohio!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

the first illustration, and a pretty


I finally finished the first illustration for my senior show!
Only 21 left! 
Oh my gracious.
There are still some things I would like to tweak I think
but the postcards are being designed tomorrow
so this will just have to do for now. 


The next assignment for my 2D class 
is kind of based around a poster like this one designed by Carboni for Barilla.
isn't it beautiful?
i want it. 
in my kitchen, on a t-shirt, tattooed to my face...
i want it.

Monday, February 22, 2010

How about we skip the next three months and go straight to summer?

My senior show is in a month and 18 days. I am so nervous.

I might just die.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Twenty-two. The age of marriage.


Things didn't exactly go as planned for this day
(the snow was wet and mucky, 
and somehow we both ended up with holes in our shoes
and very wet socks)
but we had a rockin' time anyway.
I'm pretty sure Ryan had the time of his life
tinkering around at Golf Galaxy
and he even bought himself a new putter.
(check out that smile! someone's a happy camper)
 We enjoyed some free birthday food, courtesy of
Bruegger's bagels and Coldstone Creamery.
 We also were formally introduced to the world of Thai food.
And we are fans, for sure.
(although Ryan is still wishing for something spicier!)

All in all I think we had a pretty good day.
Happy Birthday Ryan!

guess who's next....???

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Happy Birthday to you...

Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday dear Ryan!
Happy Birthday to you!

Fiance is 22 today!
I am excited to spend the whole day with him!
Its snowing out.
I hope he likes what I have planned...

I'll try to spare you the drama today, Birthday Boy.
Happy Birthday!
I love you.

Friday, February 19, 2010

typical friday night.

This is maybe what roommate and I do
on Friday nights
while we're waiting for friends to call.

Are we losers? Yes.
Do we care? No. No we don't.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Milwaukee Public Market

My drawing class took a little field trip to the Market today.
I got a free cookie
talked to a nice old man who borrowed my yellow watercolor crayon
and took some pictures of pretty things.

Poor little baby cheese orphans.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Let it be known that...

  • If I could live my life over again, I'd be a figure skater. (Or a ballerina, or a piano player, or a professional cupcake baker.)
  • Ryan's birthday is in 3 days and I still don't know what to give him.
  • Last night, while out with friends, a car with two cat-callin' men in it pulled up to me and my roommate. Yes, I sensed danger and ran away, but not before getting a little bit closer. . . because I am almost positive one of them was Jim Halpert.
  • I like doing laundry, and I hate doing the dishes. But both are five million times better when Ryan helps me. He's funny.
  • I miss my sisters tonight.
  • When I feel sad, I sometimes look at 3 secret pictures of Ryan with a mustache. They are the funniest things I have ever seen. Maybe someday he will let me post one up here.
  • I have every intention of going to bed no later than 10:30 starting the day I graduate, so I can awaken my inner early bird again. College has turned me into a night owl and I hate it.
  • Today is Ash Wednesday. Its my mom's favorite day of the year. I didn't get to go church tonight and I am sad.
  • I asked Ryan if he thought I could handle giving up chocolate for Lent and he laughed at me.
  • I'm tired. Goodnight.

Monday, February 15, 2010

i love you a bushel and a peck

Ryan and I had a marvelous Valentine's Day.

He surprised me at school with some pretty flowers, chocolate,
and a very sweet card that made me cry a little bit.
We went to the movies, ate some popcorn,
saw a car with a lovey dovey message,
and went out for supper.
We had the whole restaurant to ourselves,
so we took too many pictures and laughed a lot,
especially at the terrible karaoke singers
belting their drunken hearts out in the bar.
We talked about the wedding and about our next Valentine's day
as husband and wife.
We sure are looking forward to it.

Thanks for a wonderful date, fiance.
i love you.
Will you be my Valentine?

*A note to Ryan and (mostly) Amelia, in the future: Don't go to movies anymore. It's not worth it. The movie is always too long, the popcorn is too expensive, the theater is too crowded, and the breath of the lady sitting next to you is too terrible. Barf.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


The 2010 Winter Olympics have arrived!

And we're excited! Obviously.

So we had an Opening Ceremony party that included the following celebratory acts: eating red, white, and blue food in honor of our country (ok, those tortilla chips are yellow. but they were on sale,) and singing the Olympics song because Ryan does a really good job making a cymbals clashing sound.

I'm really looking forward to watching all the different competitions this week! I'm not a huge sports person but I think there's something so cool about countries from all over the world getting together in one spot just to play sports.

Plus I just really like figure skating.

Friday, February 12, 2010

I am having such a nice day.

One of my art Profs organized a really cool project with Discovery World downtown and the State Park next to it, in order to get the school involved in more art/community projects. There's an "art day," an exhibition, and a coloring book in the works!

Today she took me and a few other art students to Discovery World to check the place out, take some pictures, and get some quick sketches or paintings in. We had an awesome view of Milwaukee, the lake, and the park from the 3rd floor (even though everything is gloomy and frozen and covered in snow.) One of the friendly workers at Discovery World gave us a bunch of information about the park, like what their plans are for the future and what kind of animals live there (a red fox! I was dying to see it, but it must have been sleeping. Oh well.) I had so much fun and am really looking forward to going back next week! I hope my job someday includes huge windows and such a pretty view! I'll probably be a creepy bird watcher in my old age.

Anyway, there will most likely be more photos of this project in the future. Maybe I'll even get around to scanning some of my sketches so I can post those here too. Maybe.

I also got to see my Mom, Liesl, Liz, Henry and Oliver today! And Ryan and I are having an Olympics Opening Ceremony party tonight! What a nice day.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

good morning, snow!

the snow is like powdered sugar.
my first two classes have been canceled.
and i am a happy girl.

thanks for the snow, God.
but maybe can you make the heat
in my apartment work again?

Monday, February 8, 2010

A photoshoot, a night out, and a whole lotta driving.

That's what we did this weekend.

There was also a Dexter marathon
a lot of pizza eating
and a small surprise visit from
Mom, Dad, and sister
(which we unfortunately did not get pictures of,
even though I was so happy to see them!
They brought lots of goodies!)

We're supposed to get lots of snow overnight
and into tomorrow...
come onnnnnn snow day!

*the last photo was not taken this weekend.
i just think its funny.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Bridge.

30 sheets of paper
Elmer's glue
46 inches of string...

...and here's the finished product!
(with Miss Becker's bridge next to mine.)

The bridge managed to hold 9 books
which gave me an 'A' !!!
Thank you, Ryan, my love.

*ps: see my nappy hair and dark circles?
That's what a long day of stressful bridge building will do to ya.

and of course
we were more excited about
the origami kitties that Sarah made
than anything else.

Good riddance, paper bridge.