Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Let it be known that...

  • If I could live my life over again, I'd be a figure skater. (Or a ballerina, or a piano player, or a professional cupcake baker.)
  • Ryan's birthday is in 3 days and I still don't know what to give him.
  • Last night, while out with friends, a car with two cat-callin' men in it pulled up to me and my roommate. Yes, I sensed danger and ran away, but not before getting a little bit closer. . . because I am almost positive one of them was Jim Halpert.
  • I like doing laundry, and I hate doing the dishes. But both are five million times better when Ryan helps me. He's funny.
  • I miss my sisters tonight.
  • When I feel sad, I sometimes look at 3 secret pictures of Ryan with a mustache. They are the funniest things I have ever seen. Maybe someday he will let me post one up here.
  • I have every intention of going to bed no later than 10:30 starting the day I graduate, so I can awaken my inner early bird again. College has turned me into a night owl and I hate it.
  • Today is Ash Wednesday. Its my mom's favorite day of the year. I didn't get to go church tonight and I am sad.
  • I asked Ryan if he thought I could handle giving up chocolate for Lent and he laughed at me.
  • I'm tired. Goodnight.

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