Friday, February 12, 2010

I am having such a nice day.

One of my art Profs organized a really cool project with Discovery World downtown and the State Park next to it, in order to get the school involved in more art/community projects. There's an "art day," an exhibition, and a coloring book in the works!

Today she took me and a few other art students to Discovery World to check the place out, take some pictures, and get some quick sketches or paintings in. We had an awesome view of Milwaukee, the lake, and the park from the 3rd floor (even though everything is gloomy and frozen and covered in snow.) One of the friendly workers at Discovery World gave us a bunch of information about the park, like what their plans are for the future and what kind of animals live there (a red fox! I was dying to see it, but it must have been sleeping. Oh well.) I had so much fun and am really looking forward to going back next week! I hope my job someday includes huge windows and such a pretty view! I'll probably be a creepy bird watcher in my old age.

Anyway, there will most likely be more photos of this project in the future. Maybe I'll even get around to scanning some of my sketches so I can post those here too. Maybe.

I also got to see my Mom, Liesl, Liz, Henry and Oliver today! And Ryan and I are having an Olympics Opening Ceremony party tonight! What a nice day.

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