Sunday, February 21, 2010

Twenty-two. The age of marriage.


Things didn't exactly go as planned for this day
(the snow was wet and mucky, 
and somehow we both ended up with holes in our shoes
and very wet socks)
but we had a rockin' time anyway.
I'm pretty sure Ryan had the time of his life
tinkering around at Golf Galaxy
and he even bought himself a new putter.
(check out that smile! someone's a happy camper)
 We enjoyed some free birthday food, courtesy of
Bruegger's bagels and Coldstone Creamery.
 We also were formally introduced to the world of Thai food.
And we are fans, for sure.
(although Ryan is still wishing for something spicier!)

All in all I think we had a pretty good day.
Happy Birthday Ryan!

guess who's next....???

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