Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Well we never!

Here is a list of things that Ryan and I have both experienced individually, but want to experience together someday. Or at least I want to. Anyway.

We have never:
  • dyed Easter eggs
  • gone bowling (we talked about doing this a few times in the first months of dating, but seeing as i bowl as though i am blindfolded, i always tried to come up with something else to do. now i am finally at a point where it would be less embarrassing and more funny.)
  • flown in a plane
  • decorated a Christmas tree
  • gone to a baseball game.
  • gone fishing
  • baked a pie
  • gone on a vacation
I'm hoping all of these things will be experienced by this time next year! Because we are in looooooove and we will be marrrriiieeeeddd. Oooh la la.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Engagement photos

 See these couples and their engagement photos?
I betcha they were inspired by my parents.

*images via snippet & ink and style me pretty

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Some things that happened today...

I heard a squirrely noise coming from my window this morning 
and saw that a little squirrel nutkin friend 
had perched himself on my dirty windowsill.

It was creepy.

I ran to get my camera
and was only able to take this terrible photo before...
he jumped.

This delicious package from my sissy came in the mail today!
She wrote me a sweet little note that made my day.
And then I ate it.

And last but not least...
my cat grass is coming up!
Grow little seedlings, grow!

Monday, March 22, 2010

I love Ryan because...

...sometimes he serenades me with the hohner harmonica.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Peanut butter cheesecake. Amen, brother!

Despite my deep hate for Tuesdays, I had a wonderful b-day.
Ryan took me out to Cheesecake Factory
(He had a giftcard. And we like cheesecake.)
late last night, after my day full of classes.
I was really tired
(so please disregard my droopy eyes and scraggly bangs)
but we still had a crazy cool time, of course.

time out. 
check out my HUGE HANDS in this picture.
Ryan and I had a good laugh over this.
 see? scraggle bangs.

Thanks for the happy birthday, Ryan! 
I had a terrific evening.
Kiss kiss kiss.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I'mmm ooolllldddd.

I am twenty-two years old today, and now the same age as my mother when she was married.

I feel old.

Speaking of my dear mother,
here is the cake she made last week for my birthday.
Something went wrong and it all fell apart
and she kind of ran out of frosting.
But it tasted absolutely delish.
And it was hilarious.
I'm going to go eat some right now.

Friday, March 12, 2010

We have a problem here, Ryan.

It's called I miss you. I don't like the days when I barely get to talk to you. I promise that I got a lot done on my show today (even though I went shopping) but while I wasn't working on the show (or shopping) I found some goodies online that you might like:

Do you want to make these when I get back to school?

with a side of these? I think you know why.

And while we're eating, can we watch this?

The reason I didn't answer your call just now is because I was talking to Grandma, who called to say she got me a subscription to this magazine!

I love you. I am going to call you now.

And just in case you forgot, I want this for my birthday, ok?

Sunday, March 7, 2010

A little visit.

It was Ryan's spring break this past week.
We decided to do something a little crazy...
So we drove all the way across town to sister Liz and brother Jason's house to spend a nice little evening with their family. We had loads of fun playing with the babes (Henry is now an expert at headstands and silly faces, and Ollie is crawling!) and eating a seriously divine meal of lasagna, monstrous pieces of chocolate cake, and Jason's espressos that are always ever so delicious.

We had so much fun. We love it at their house.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I have bunches and bunches of things to talk about. Like...

  • I am a critique and a class away from Spring break. 
  • Even though the majority of my break will be spent working on my Senior show, I still can't wait for an entire week of talking with my parents, large fluffy couches, hugs from my dad, eating my mom's cooking, shopping with sister, cable tv, and NOT doing dishes. Amen.
  • Tomorrow Ryan is going for a long bike ride. Today he bought a new bike seat, new shoes, and a helmet. Tonight he watched tv with me for a really long time, while donning the bike helmet.
  • Ryan took me to Culvers and we discussed whether our future daughters will be basketball players. He votes 'yes', while I, based on the knowledge of my own skills, as well as the skills of my dear sisters, vote 'no.' 
  • The kid who took our order at Culvers was named Asher. Asher did not have proper social skills.
  • I must go to bed.