Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Well we never!

Here is a list of things that Ryan and I have both experienced individually, but want to experience together someday. Or at least I want to. Anyway.

We have never:
  • dyed Easter eggs
  • gone bowling (we talked about doing this a few times in the first months of dating, but seeing as i bowl as though i am blindfolded, i always tried to come up with something else to do. now i am finally at a point where it would be less embarrassing and more funny.)
  • flown in a plane
  • decorated a Christmas tree
  • gone to a baseball game.
  • gone fishing
  • baked a pie
  • gone on a vacation
I'm hoping all of these things will be experienced by this time next year! Because we are in looooooove and we will be marrrriiieeeeddd. Oooh la la.

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