Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I have bunches and bunches of things to talk about. Like...

  • I am a critique and a class away from Spring break. 
  • Even though the majority of my break will be spent working on my Senior show, I still can't wait for an entire week of talking with my parents, large fluffy couches, hugs from my dad, eating my mom's cooking, shopping with sister, cable tv, and NOT doing dishes. Amen.
  • Tomorrow Ryan is going for a long bike ride. Today he bought a new bike seat, new shoes, and a helmet. Tonight he watched tv with me for a really long time, while donning the bike helmet.
  • Ryan took me to Culvers and we discussed whether our future daughters will be basketball players. He votes 'yes', while I, based on the knowledge of my own skills, as well as the skills of my dear sisters, vote 'no.' 
  • The kid who took our order at Culvers was named Asher. Asher did not have proper social skills.
  • I must go to bed.

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