Tuesday, February 2, 2010

i hate tuesdays...

I have four classes on Tuesdays
and I go from 9am to 9pm
with a few little breaks in between.

And today I just couldn't do it.
I skipped class today.
(just the first two)
I like the classes,
and I had every intention of going,
and I even woke up and showered and dried my hair...
but then I got back in my p.j.s, crawled into bed,
and fell back asleep until 10:30.
Sorry Mom and Dad.
I feel bad.

But not really that bad.
I'm more annoyed than anything else...
with homework, the gloomy weather,
with being too busy to chat with Ryan,
with that ugly painting I made last semester (above)
(probably on a Tuesday)
and with myself,
for having to sneak around campus later on,
trying to avoid the professor whose classes I skipped.

stupid tuesdays.
i hate you.

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