Friday, April 16, 2010

Let the planning begin!

My motto for wedding planning goes a little like this:
"I will be as crafty as Martha Stewart,
on a Laura Ingalls budget."

Here are a few things I have found online that I like:

to love, honor, and share a toothbrush.

Wedding bells are chiming, folks.
I can't wait to finally dig in and start planning, crafting, creating, and listing for everything. All I want to do is look at pictures of other people's weddings and get ideas. I think my parents' wedding was beautiful and simple, which is what I want so much for my own wedding.
ps: my mom had seriously awesome dresses back then.
pps: i can't wait to marry ryan. he's dreamy.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Instead of going to class, studying for tests, attending meetings, or participating in any act of adult responsibility at all...

...Ryan and I decided
fake registering at Target
binging on Taco Bell and a 44oz Coke from Speedway
visiting little Ollie on his 1st birthday
eating even more
watching Dancing With the Stars, American Idol, and Glee (while snuggling)
and contemplating moving the wedding up (!)
seemed like a much better way to spend the day.

So we did.

Suck on that, responsibility.

In other news,

Happy Birthday Baby Olivaire!
we love you!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

is it really almost monday???

This weekend went by too fast.

I was having so much fun (see below), and then Monday (and homework) had to show up and ruin everything. Stupid. I wish I could just live during the weekends until the wedding.

So, Ryan and I had a little Mambo Italiano picnic in my livin' room on Saturday. Because our love is as red as strawberries in the summertime. (on sale, 2 packages for $3.00! Heyo!)

smooch smooch.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

My art show is done and I need a nap.

After months of hard work, late nights,
and plenty of nights lying awake worrying,
my art show is done.
Hip hip horray!

The show went so well last night!
I was so glad to have my family there.
They have done so much for me the past few weeks
to help me prepare for this,
and they all looked so dressed up and nice.
( I missed the Kieckers, though!)
I was especially glad that Ryan was there.
He didn't think he would be able to come, 
but he did
and he looked so handsome
and I was so proud to have him there to meet my Profs
and stand next to me lookin' all adorbs and stuff.
It was a fun night, and so many people said such wonderful things!
I felt very loved.

And now I am looking forward to the rest of the semester...
which will hopefully be as easy as pizza pie.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

spring fever: a date at the lake

It's been a busy Spring...
and these next two weeks are about to get even busier!
Since Ryan and I won't get to see much of each other during all the craziness
we decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather
(and a few hours of free time)
and have an extra special date at the lake.
Perhaps one of the best dates ever.