Thursday, August 12, 2010

HGTV should hire me.

Not really.

But, thanks to my deep devotion to the Fond du Lac rummage sales, I have scored so many little treasures for the new (and beautiful!) apartment Ryan and I found! Most of them look like they had been tossed in a cellar to house spiders for a few decades before the owner decided to drag them to the end of their driveway and get rid of them...but that's ok with Ryan and I. Because:

1. We'll take anything. We need something to put in this new place. We have nothing. NOthing.
2. We are having a blast giving them each a new and happy makeover.
3. Ryan finally has an excuse to go in my dad's shop and use his power tools.

So far we've scrounged up 3 end tables, a wicker trunk, 2 adorable little chairs, and one bookshelf. They're not perfect and they definitely don't all match, but I love that each one has been lovingly redone with our little home-to-be in mind.
I found this sad, cob-webby little guy for one dollar.
We have plans to put him in our bedroom, but I still have a coat of varnish to go until he's finished. I'm excited to have a photoshoot with all of our finished projects and post them!