Friday, July 16, 2010

A picnic date and Bastille Days.

Little sweetheart Ryan took me out on a date last weekend. He packed a picnic lunch of sandwiches and strawberries, and tucked it away in our favorite cooler. (That little cooler means so much to us. We bought it before a roadtrip, and it was the first thing we ever purchased "together" with the intentions of sharing it forever. Ah, love.) We had plans to dine at the lake, but the seriously steamy temps had drawn everybody from Milwaukee there already, and there was absolutely no place to park. So we drove up the hill, spread out at the park, and watched old men play lawn bowling.
Then we booked it to Bastille Days to see the MSOE Eiffel Tower, share a beer, and watch some juggling before the storms rolled in. Happy day.